Kemmyrk — A Full Moon Spread for Expansion

May 24, 2024
Last Day of the Full Moon in Sagittarius
Pluto Retrograde
Sunny and pleasant

Hello! Good thing we have three days of full moon energy in which to work, isn’t it?

I attended a delightful full moon circle on Wednesday (the first day of the full moon) and as the ritual ended, we watched the moon rise over the mountain. It was spectacular.

Since the full moon is In Sagittarius, and it’s about expansion, here’s a full moon spread about expansion. I’m using the Ask the Witch Tarot by Francesca Matteoni, with illustrations by Simone Pace. It’s a fairly new deck for me, and I absolutely love working with it. You can order it here. I don’t get any affiliate monies or anything; I just like giving you links to what I like!

Okay, the spread! I’m sharing what my experiences are with the card. Trust your own instincts as you work with your deck(s). You might have the same cards and get a different message.

The card on the left, in position 1, is Where I Am Now.

That card is the Page of Wands. It’s about a new adventure, fresh ideas, something that’s sprouting and has not yet come to fruition, especially when it comes to a sense of identity. Wands, for me, are connected to identity. I’m forging a new sense of self right now, and it’s in the early, experimental stages. Wands are about the fire in the belly, the fire that makes you uniquely you.

The top card on the right, in position 2, is Where I Need to Expand Mentally.

That card is the 6 of Wands. Again, tied to identity. It’s about gaining recognition for talent, victory, and compensation. Those gains and that recognition gives a sense of satisfaction, not arrogance. Mentally, I need to open up and accept recognition.

The middle card, in position 3, is Where I Am Expanding Physically.

That card is the 8 of Pentacles, which is one of my favorite cards in the deck. To me, the 8 of Pentacles is about showing up and doing the work, without making excuses. Put in the time, effort, craft, and skill, and there are infinite (eight is about the infinite) rewards. It’s about concentration, quality, and loving the work. It’s very relevant to me at this moment.

The bottom card, in position 4, is the Caution card. Where do I need to be careful?

The card that turned up here is the 7 of Swords. It means I have to be cautious, and play some of my cards close to my vest. Don’t reveal everything too fast, because someone around you does not wish you well, may be lying, and could use what you tell them against you. Swords pertain to air and thought. It’s warning me not to reveal too much too soon, or it could hurt the work and get in the way of the recognition. That, too, is relevant to me at this moment.

When a reading feels right, it will resonate, almost like a tuning fork inside you, even if every card doesn’t yet have complete clarity.

Blessings to you on the Flower Moon! We’ll reconvene close to the dark moon!