Monday, December 9, 2024
Waxing Moon
Chiron, Uranus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars Retrograde
Neptune Direct as of December 7
How did last week work out for you? Were you able to balance excitement at new opportunities with keeping on top of the details? Sometimes it was a challenge for me, but I tried. I kept my focus on the Ace of Good Cheer – which turns up again this week.
We are still in Mercury Retrograde. This concerned me, because I had to sign a contract last week, instead of waiting until it turns direct, and this is not a good time to sign contracts (or buy electronics or travel or buy a house). We have one more week of this retrograde to navigate – it turns direct on the 15th.
When someone talks about the “shadow” of Mercury retrograde, I put my hands over my ears and sing, “La, la, la” because if I had to worry about the shadow, it would six months of every year derailed, and who has time for that? When it bites me in the butt, I deal. But I can’t put off things for the shadow period.
Mars has gone retrograde, so forward momentum slows down even more. Irritability and argumentative aspects get higher. Paired with the miscommunication energy of Mercury retrograde, that can make things difficult. So take a few breaths, and quiet those reactive impulses.
Mars will be retrograde until late February, but once Mercury goes direct, that argumentative pressure and miscommunication somewhat ease up.
Okay, forward!
This month, we are using the Yuletide Tarot, from Kristoffer Hughes with art by Erin O’Leary Brown. You can get it from Llewellyn Worldwide here. (Note: even though I’ve written for Llewellyn almanacs for decades, I do not get free decks from them, nor do I get a cut of anything you buy using this link. I bought the deck myself). This is the first year I’m using this deck. It was recommended to me by my friend, tarot reader and author Jamieson Wolf. I spent the last month getting to know the deck, in preparation for this month’s work with it.
In this deck:
Canes = Swords
Candles = Wands
Good Cheer = Cups
Gifts = Pentacles
If you’re new to the weekly readings, this is a spread of mine, that I’ve developed over months. It’s read from left to right, 5 cards. Any card that needs more interpretation can be built into further, above and below, with either more tarot cards, another tarot deck, or an oracle deck.
These interpretations are mine, based on my experience, intuition and responses to the artwork. You may have a different experience. This is an overview of the week as it stands now; every decision we make from the moment of the reading can change the outcome. If there’s something in the reading that worries you, you have the information ahead of time so that you can plan, make better choices, or handle it differently than predicted for a better outcome. Tarot sets out possibilities, which you change through your choices and actions.
Left to right, the positions are as follows:
1. The Collective Energy of the Week
2. The Week’s Challenge
3. The Week’s Opportunity
4. The Week’s Stretch
5. The Week’s Comfort
The Collective Energy of the Week – King of Candles
This is the King of Wands in other decks. This is a forceful, creative, passionate energy. It’s very much a “get out of my way” energy. There’s an element of charm involved, but the King will roll right over top of any obstacles. Think about what you want this week. All these retrogrades will slow you down, but that doesn’t mean you can’t set your sights and start implementing a long-term plan. Since it is in the collective energy of the week, also give those around you room for their passions; don’t try to dominate those around you, or let them dominate you.
The Week’s Challenge – Ace of Good Cheer
This would be the Ace of Cups in other decks, and was our comfort last week. Last week’s comfort becomes this week’s challenge. How can that be? With the Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter retrogrades thwarting us, the Uranus retrograde making it harder to be our unique selves, and the Chiron retrograde reminding us to work on wounds and healing, it might be difficult to remain in a good mood this week, or have patience. Remember, everyone is extra stressed around the holiday season, and many people struggle for a vast variety of reasons. Even when challenged to be kind and in a good mood, when you are out and about, at least make the effort. Don’t be a jerk – even on days when it’s hard.
The Week’s Opportunity – Ace of Candles
This is the Ace of Wands in other decks. The Ace of Candles ignites new opportunities that are tied to passion, identity and sense of self. A new possibility ignites. However, if you wait until you “have time” to deal with it, it will pass you by. If this is something you want, MAKE the time to put in the work.
(Note: last week, in an in-person group situation, we explored the Ace of Wands, and my companion was the Ace of Cups. It’s interesting that they are coming up here in this reading, in a slightly different configuration, as though to remind me what we discussed last week, and remind me to follow through).
The Week’s Stretch – 8 of Good Cheer
This is the 8 of Cups in other decks. At first, this card puzzled me – in many decks, it shows a figure walking away. Here’s a guy with so many drink options in front of him! Is he going to sample each? The first impression was more of a 7 than an 8. But then I really started looking at the card. He’s zipping up his jacket, in preparation to leave. The way the fabric is detailed in the art make it more likely he’s zipping it up to leave than zipping it down to stay and enjoy. He’s had enough and knows it’s time to go. This week, even when it’s a challenge, know when it’s time to go. Maybe it’s that work event to which you “had” to show up. Hey, you put in an appearance; now go do something YOU want to do. Maybe it’s a job that’s no longer fulfilling, and it’s time to replace it with something better. Maybe it’s a creative project that you’ve tried to make work, and it just isn’t. If so, give it a temporary ending so it’s not draining your creative energy by simply being unfinished, and let both of you rest. There’s a lot coming at us this week; we have to know where to put our energy, and where to pull back. And when to walk away and rest.
The Week’s Comfort – 2 of Candles
This is the 2 of Wands in other decks. This is about making a plan to bring the Ace (which came up earlier in this very reading, as an opportunity) into reality though vision. It’s time to make a plan. The King of Candles, at the very top of the reading, indicates that you can see this to completion, but work with the retrograde energy to put in each step. Don’t try to skip over anything along the way. Seeing this card, of a woman writing her cards, makes me laugh. My overseas cards are out, but this week, I have to sit down and write the domestic ones!
Take a look at the overall spread. No major arcana cards this week. It’s all about the minor arcana, which, to me, are the daily details about getting things done. There are 3 Candles/Wands in the spread, so it’s about passion, creativity, identity, purpose, and how to get things down. The week’s challenge and stretch are both Good Cheer/Cups, which are about emotions, creativity, and dreams.
So this week is about paying attention to the details, planning, and being careful. It’s about working with the retrograde energies of taking a breath and paying attention. It’s about not letting the more combative energies derail you. Keep a sense of humor, try to stay grounded, don’t be a jerk, make a plan and start those first steps to see it through. You can face it all with the quiet determination of the King of Candles, and not let anyone derail you, but you can also use charm instead of aggression.
What do you get from this spread? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments.