News & The Kemmyrk Blog

No Community Reading the Week of January 13

drop of water hovering over a riplle pool
image courtesy of rony michaud from Pixabay








I’m not posting a community tarot reading for this week. With the LA fires going on, it feels wrong. I don’t have the answers; I have many questions. Rather than positioning myself as though I have guidance, I want to spend the week listening, creating space and care for those who grieve, and helping however I can.

I remember the 10 of Cups from last week’s reading, the need for community, and the Strength card, both of which are relevant to me during this time. I will be doing personal readings and draws, but not public ones. If you work with cards, oracles, runes, etc., I suggest connecting with them this week. Each of our paths through this is different, but together, we can help those who need it.

There’s been a lot of toxic positivity and a lot of quasi-spiritual blame gaming posing as support with which I strongly disagree, and I don’t want to contribute to it.

Tell those you love that you love them this week, and help however and wherever you can. The full moon is in Cancer today, which connects to deep emotion.

Peace, my friends.

January 6, 2025: Community Tarot Reading for the Week

Monday, January 6, 2025
Waxing Moon
Uranus, Jupiter, Mars Retrograde

Last week was definitely a challenge, and I’m ready for a new week!

This month, we are using the Rackham Tarot, with art by the illustrator Arthur Rackham, and text by Lunea Weatherstone. The deck is available from Lo Scarabeo here. If you would like to learn more about Arthur Rackham’s life and work, you can do so here.

This deck was a gift from a friend a little over a year ago. I use it primarily for dreamwork, so it will be interesting to see how it works in community readings for the month. The suit in this deck is marked with a symbol in the center bottom, and the number on top. The Major Arcana cards have their number on the top and the bottom. It can take a bit of concentration to get used to it.

If you’re new to the weekly readings, this is a spread of mine, that I’ve developed over months. It’s read from left to right, 5 cards. Any card that needs more interpretation can be built into further, above and below, with either more tarot cards, another tarot deck, or an oracle deck.

These interpretations are mine, based on my experience, intuition and responses to the artwork. You may have a different experience. This is an overview of the week as it stands now; every decision we make from the moment of the reading can change the outcome. If there’s something in the reading that worries you, you have the information ahead of time so that you can plan, make better choices, or handle it differently than predicted for a better outcome. Tarot sets out possibilities, which you change through your choices and actions.

Left to right, the positions are as follows:
1. The Collective Energy of the Week
2. The Week’s Challenge
3. The Week’s Opportunity
4. The Week’s Stretch
5. The Week’s Comfort

The Collective Energy of the Week – 10 Pentacles
After a rather rocky few weeks, having a 10 of Pentacles as our collective energy is an excellent start to the year. It’s about enjoying the tangibles with family and community, as the figures in the illustration do. It’s about welcoming others in and expanding your circle.



The Week’s Challenge – 6 of Wands
This is a card of success and moving in the right direction. Why would that be a challenge? We can sabotage ourselves if we doubt ourselves. We also sometimes have trouble accepting praise from others. In some other decks, it depicts a victory ride with the rider wearing a laurel wreath, and urges one to accept success. This illustration shows two older figures encouraging the young rider to keep going. (If the card had a different number on it, the illustration itself could be interpreted as them asking her for a ride, but the choice of placement must be taken into account along with the art itself. This is one of the cards that, in this deck, can be a little trickier to interpret than in some other decks).

The Week’s Opportunity – Strength
The woman in the illustration walks companionably with the lion. They are confident in their goals. This week, we will have the opportunity to move truthfully and confidently toward what we want. Don’t get caught up in false modesty, or feel you need to run yourself down or you’ll sound arrogant. Trust in your own worth.


The Week’s Stretch – 5 of Wands
Our figure is up a tree with wolves on the ground below, snapping at her. This is about survival skills. Lunea Weatherstone’s interpretation for this card reads, “if you can’t outrun them, outsmart them” which is sound advice. This ties into the need for strength. Somewhere this week, you will come across someone or, likely, several someones, who do not have your best interests at heart. In fact, they may be actively trying to cause you harm. Rely on your strength and your survival skills, and, reaching back farther, to the knowledge you are moving in the right direction and to the first card, of expanding community, to outsmart them. You are not who they define you; you are who you define yourself.

The Week’s Comfort – 2 of Pentacles
Stay centered. Keep your balance between emotions and tangibles, the physical and the spiritual. The figure in the illustration plays pan pipes. Listen to some music! Stick to your meditation practice, your journal writing, whatever keeps you centered. This will help you when the 5 of Wands challenges you.

Overall, the week is about moving in the right direction, and being around others, even though some of them do not wish you well. Take it in stride, and be smart, not reactive. You’re moving in the right direction.

Do you get a different interpretation from these cards? Have you worked with this deck? What’s your experience? I’d love to hear about it in the comments.

December 30, 2024: Community Tarot Reading for the Week

Monday, December 30, 2024
New Moon
Uranus, Jupiter, Mars retrograde
Chiron DIRECT as of yesterday

Hello, everyone! How was last week? I used the Kings quite a bit in my daily life, which was filled with unexpected challenges, and the Page of Gifts just kept coming up.

The year turns this year, as well as there being a new moon today. Time for a fresh start, along with the fresh year.

Chiron went direct yesterday, so we can move forward with the healing we’ve done over the months it was in retrograde. I saw something online the other day that hit home: “healing is a process, not a light switch.”

This month, we are using the Yuletide Tarot, from Kristoffer Hughes with art by Erin O’Leary Brown. You can get it from Llewellyn Worldwide here. (Note: even though I’ve written for Llewellyn almanacs for decades, I do not get free decks from them, nor do I get a cut of anything you buy using this link. I bought the deck myself). This is the first year I’m using this deck. It was recommended to me by my friend, tarot reader and author Jamieson Wolf. I spent the last month getting to know the deck, in preparation for this month’s work with it.

In this deck:
Canes = Swords
Candles = Wands
Good Cheer = Cups
Gifts = Pentacles

If you’re new to the weekly readings, this is a spread of mine, that I’ve developed over months. It’s read from left to right, 5 cards. Any card that needs more interpretation can be built into further, above and below, with either more tarot cards, another tarot deck, or an oracle deck.

These interpretations are mine, based on my experience, intuition and responses to the artwork. You may have a different experience. This is an overview of the week as it stands now; every decision we make from the moment of the reading can change the outcome. If there’s something in the reading that worries you, you have the information ahead of time so that you can plan, make better choices, or handle it differently than predicted for a better outcome. Tarot sets out possibilities, which you change through your choices and actions.

Left to right, the positions are as follows:
1. The Collective Energy of the Week
2. The Week’s Challenge
3. The Week’s Opportunity
4. The Week’s Stretch
5. The Week’s Comfort

The Collective Energy of the Week – 5 of Canes
This is the 5 of Swords in other decks. This is a card of conflict and malice. Be careful of those around you who do not wish you well. At the same time, be careful with your words and your actions, so that you do not cause harm. There’s a lot of potential for harm here. It can be easy to get into the mindset of striking before being struck. It may be better to remove yourself from the situation instead of either bowing to the conflict or escalating it.


The Week’s Challenge – Ace of Candles
This is Ace of Wands in other decks. This is the burning spark of inspiration, identity, and new opportunities. Conflict can clear the way for a new path. Instead of staying mired in conflict, choose a different direction. This card came up in the December 9th reading in the “Opportunity” position. This week, it is in the Challenge position. It may be about the same issue, or you may have more than one option opening up for you.


The Week’s Opportunity – Queen of Gifts
This is the Queen of Pentacles in other decks. This is a card of material generosity in a very clear,practical, and caring way. It’s a reminder to be kind. Whenever you have the opportunity to be kind this week, make the most of it. Especially if it’s a way to de-escalate conflict. If/when someone attempts kindness to you, don’t bat it away. Accept it.



The Week’s Stretch – The Holly King
This is the Emperor in other decks. This is about structure and leadership, doing so in a way that is positive and empowering rather than destructive and controlling. It ties into the collective energy card of the 5 of Canes. Be careful where you place your energy, and do so without malice. In this particular card, he offers light and leadership in a cold, dark forest.



The Week’s Comfort – 2 of Candles
This card is the 2 of Wands in other decks. It was also in the same position for the December 9 reading. It’s about planning the next steps from that spark, but it hasn’t yet manifested yet. It’s about reaching out with and for information. It’s interesting that two cards that appeared in the December 9 reading reappear here, albeit one of them is in a different slot. For different people, it will mean different things. It could be that something that sparked back early in December has been stagnant, and the new year gives you the chance to keep building it. It could represent something different now than it did earlier in the month. It’s personal. I know I find comfort when I can sit down and plan things out. If this is not typically how you approach new elements in your life, consider doing so. Or consider doing so in a different way. If you usually write lists, try telling yourself a story or creating a series of images around the plan. Shake up your process a bit, in order to freshen it.

The Candle Cards, the Queen of Gifts, and even the Holly King are good tools to offset the chaotic and potentially malicious energy swirling around this week. There’s certainly plenty of malicious energy on a political level. See if there are ways to prevent it from infecting your community and personal energies this week. Be aware of it, be on alert so it can’t be weaponized against you, but use the Holly King, The Queen of Gifts, and these fresh sparks to manifest something better and leave the chaos behind.

Do you get a similar read on these cards, or did you get a different meaning? I’d love to hear from you in the comments.

Next Monday, we will be in 2025, a new year, and a new month. Which means we will also use a different deck.

Happy, Safe, and Joyful New Year to you.

December 23, 2024: Community Tarot Reading for the Week






Monday, December 23, 2024
4th Quarter Moon Waning in Libra
Chiron, Uranus, Jupiter, Mars Retrograde
Snowy and icy here in the Berkshires

How was your week? How did the reading help? Last week was more stressful and chaotic than I hoped. I had to keep reminding myself of the 9 of Gifts (Pentacles) as the collective energy of the week. When I did so, and reconnected with it, I could find joy in spite of the chaos.

I hope you also had a blessed Solstice, whether it was the Winter Solstice we had in the Northern Hemisphere, or the Summer Solstice to our friends on the other side of the world! I was lucky to be in celebration with my beloved local community and also do my personal offerings in my own ceremony. At this point in my life, I rarely stay up all night on the Solstices, just up later than usual.

This month, we are using the Yuletide Tarot, from Kristoffer Hughes with art by Erin O’Leary Brown. You can get it from Llewellyn Worldwide here. (Note: even though I’ve written for Llewellyn almanacs for decades, I do not get free decks from them, nor do I get a cut of anything you buy using this link. I bought the deck myself). This is the first year I’m using this deck. It was recommended to me by my friend, tarot reader and author Jamieson Wolf. I spent the last month getting to know the deck, in preparation for this month’s work with it.

In this deck:
Canes = Swords
Candles = Wands
Good Cheer = Cups
Gifts = Pentacles

If you’re new to the weekly readings, this is a spread of mine, that I’ve developed over months. It’s read from left to right, 5 cards. Any card that needs more interpretation can be built into further, above and below, with either more tarot cards, another tarot deck, or an oracle deck.

These interpretations are mine, based on my experience, intuition and responses to the artwork. You may have a different experience. This is an overview of the week as it stands now; every decision we make from the moment of the reading can change the outcome. If there’s something in the reading that worries you, you have the information ahead of time so that you can plan, make better choices, or handle it differently than predicted for a better outcome. Tarot sets out possibilities, which you change through your choices and actions.

Left to right, the positions are as follows:
1. The Collective Energy of the Week
2. The Week’s Challenge
3. The Week’s Opportunity
4. The Week’s Stretch
5. The Week’s Comfort

This week’s reading is interesting because it’s all Major Arcana cards interspersed with Court cards.

The Collective Energy of the Week – King of Good Cheer
This is King of Cups in other decks. This image makes me smile. He’s in his kitchen (hearth of the home) pouring himself a drink with a ship in a bottle in front of him. Did he just unwrap a gift from a loved one? Or has he made it to give to a loved one? As a King, it’s likely he created it and prepares to wrap it. This king is generous to those he loves, but can be a little distant until one is accepted to the inner circle. He’s fully in charge of his emotions, and chooses where to place them. This makes sense as collective energy. Christmas hits midweek, Hanukkah begins on the 25th, Kwanzaa on the 26th. There are a lot of emotional expectations built into the week. Sometimes family and work relationships are especially fraught at this time. This is a reminder to remain in control of your emotions and choose where to place your generosity. It’s also a reminder that you can do both of these with kindness and without cruelty.

The Week’s Challenge – The Mari Lwyd
This is the High Priestess in other decks. This is one of my favorite cards in this particular deck. She is the Bone Queen. She the white horse of bardic tradition in Wales. If you want to learn more about the Mari Lwyd in Wales, here is a link to the page on about her. In this tarot, and in this particular spot in our reading, this card is about balancing opposites, spiritual forces, and deep intuition. It’s about trusting our instincts when something feels off. She stands between the dark-barked tree and the white birch, symbolizing polarities (in other decks, the High Priestess is often depicted between a black pillar and a white pillar, or standing on a floor made out of black and white tiles). With all the holiday expectations this week, our challenge is to listen to our intuition. It may be uncomfortable at times, but it will ease a lot of pain in the long run.

The Week’s Opportunity – The King of Canes
This is the King of Swords in other decks. This King operates on intellect and discernment, and can sometimes be cold. In other decks, he often wields a sword to cut away what is no longer necessary and to end a cycle. The week offers an opportunity to balance the two kings. We can be in charge of our emotions and look at our situations rationally. At the same time, we pull in the energy of the Mari Lwyd, and use our intuition to inform what we’ve discerned on a more rational level. Kings end cycles, so this week will be tied to endings, which makes sense since it’s just past the Solstice, where the wheel turns, and close to the end of the calendar year. That the two kings flank the Mari Lwyd shows how she is the balance between them.

The Week’s Stretch – Mistletoe
This card is the Lovers in other decks. If you hop down to last week’s reading, in this same slot was the 10 of Good Cheer (Cups) showing a couple with one holding mistletoe over their heads as though they were about to kiss. In this week’s slot is the Major Arcana Mistletoe, the Lovers, where a different hand holds the mistletoe about them, and they are kissing. Interesting that these related cards are in the same slot, one week after the other. The stretch this week might be about attraction and new love; it might be about self-love; it might be about unifying the loving voice and the unkind voice in ourselves. It will be different for each of us. It does show us, however, with this hand above the kissing couple, that there are external forces trying to exert control. How we respond to that is the stretch. The previous cards in the spread suggest using the Mari Lwyd (our intuition) to balance the two kings in order to move forward in loving ways rather than cruel ones. You can hold your boundaries and respect yourself in loving ways.

The Week’s Comfort – Page of Gifts
This is the Page of Pentacles in other decks. There’s comfort in the coziness of winter and studying, reading, relaxing. There’s an abundance of gifts around you – don’t get so caught up in your studies that you forget to unwrap and acknowledge them! There’s a potential here for quiet comfort and joy, in spite of the more aggressive possibilities of the week, especially if you choose to navigate the challenges with kindness and thoughtfulness.

On a personal level, both the Page of Gifts and the List (which was last week’s card in the “Challenge” position) have come up frequently. The 8 of Cups has come up often, too. While I think I know from what I’m being urged to walk away, the Universe might still have some surprises in store. I am definitely counting on Mari Lwyd this week for guidance!

How do you interpret these cards? Do you get something quite different? I’d love to hear your interpretations in the comments.

Decembeer 21, 2024: Solstice Reading

Winter Solstice Spread for 2024

Good morning, and Blessed Solstice to you! Here in the Northern Hemisphere, we are celebrating Winter Solstice, while our friends in the Southern Hemisphere are celebrating Summer Solstice.

Since the tarot card for 2024 is The Hermit (since the numbers of the year add up to 9), The Hermit card is at the center of today’s spread.

I’m using one of my favorite decks for this, the Robin Wood Tarot Deck. I’ve had this deck since the mid-90’s, and continue to love it and use it. You can find more information about the deck here, on Robin’s website.

The spread we’re using today is one of mine, created specifically for today’s Solstice.

Remember that tarot is a tool about possibilities. Anything you want in a spread, take the actions to make it happen. Anything that worries you in a spread, you now have knowledge and can take steps to mitigate it.

There are 9 cards in this spread, because the Hermit is 9.

Card 1, Center: The Hermit, where we begin
Card 2, lower left closest to center, the comfort we find in the dark
Card 3, far lower left, the lessons we learn in the dark part of the year
Card 4, upper left, closest to center, what we are in the process of healing
Card 5, far upper left, what we need to release
Card 6, lower right, closest to center, what we need to study in the upcoming cycle
Card 7, farthest right, our new path
Card 8, upper right, closest to center, what we dream
Card 9, farthest right, what we can manifest, if we choose

Let’s dig into the cards:

The Center – The Hermit
The Hermit is a card of going within in order to learn and grow. It’s about solitude, but not loneliness. It’s about the power of the self, and learning what’s deep inside. Many cards, like this one, have the Hermit outside, holding a lantern. Some are in the woods or on a path. With this card, they are on a mountaintop. Once we’ve done the work, we can light the path for others, but we cannot do their work for them.

The Comfort We Find in the Dark— King of Wands
When we spend time as a hermit, in quiet contemplation away from all the noise, we find our true selves and our true passions.




The Lessons We Learn n the Dark Part of the Year— 2 of Swords
Not everything has a swift resolution. Sometimes, you hit a stalemate. Yet, you need to speak up, and speak your truth, even if it brings you in conflict with others. You can’t negotiate conflict if you avoid it, and sometimes the only way forward is to hit that obstacle and work through it.


What We Are in the Process of Healing— The Magician
We are the magicians of our own lives. We are capable of creating the lives we want, even though plenty of those around us will oppose us if it doesn’t fit their agendas. Still, once we heal our inner magician, we can take them out into the world to create the life we want.



What We Need to Release— The Knight of Wands
Knights face different directions in different decks. In this placement, the card is at the top left corner of the spread, and the knight moves away from the Hermit, supporting the release. The Knight of Wands is about taking your ideas out into the world and challenging the status quo. Coming in the position of this spread after the Magician, what we are healing, it supports that card. As we heal our inner magician (which is a process, not a finite action), we release that magician into the world to manifest our lives.

What We Need to Study in the Upcoming Cycle— The Ace of Wands
This ties into the work done in the previous cards. When I created the spread, since this is around the hermit, I figured this card would give guidance on something tangible to study in the way of finding books or teachers. However, that tarot being what it is, the card of a new path of identity turned up, a new spark of inspiration, a new chapter. There’s the chance for a new public identity and role in life. Study and craft it, so it supports your essence and is not just a mask. Step fully into who you are in a public way, but do so with intent, rather than impulse. The sunflowers indicate joy and success.

The New Path—The Lovers
On this new path of the next cycle, we will be faced with decisions. The 2 of Swords card, earlier in the spread, indicates that we have learned how to navigate those decisions with clarity and communication. Now, it’s time to walk the talk. Walking that talk may be in partnership, once we emerge, as healed magicians, from our hermit phase.


What We Dream—Page of Pentacles
Our dreams show a curiosity and eagerness for a fresh path that is very tangible and connected to home, work, money, our gardens, the earth. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Learn new skills, and learn something just because it interests you. The Hermit at the center supports your studies, but you have to actually show up and do the work. As mentioned in the first card, the Hermit doesn’t do the work for you, although they can light t he path. In this case, we have to do the work to light our own path, and then do more of the work.

What We Manifest, if We Choose—Ace of Swords
The Ace of Swords is about new ideas, clarity, and personal power. It’s a card of thought that it then put into action. What we learned in the 2, earlier in the spread, will help us as we move through the ace and hit the 2 again, on our way through the rest of the suit. If we’ve learned those lessons, we have the tools to help us manifest. If not, we will meet the stalemate of the 2 and re-learn those lessons. The impulse will be to rush, but the Ace is about forming the idea and clarifying it before taking the action steps. This is the final card in the spread, so it may not be clear to us until late in the year. It’s wrapped in a wreath/garland of victory, so chances are we will be happy when we fulfill it.

This particular spread is meant to take us from this Solstice through the next, all the way to the end of 2025, when we will prepare for 2026, with the next card.

How do you interpret the cards? Are you receiving different information? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

Blessed, blessed solstice to you, my friends!

Decembeer 16, 2024: Community Tarot Reading for the Week

Monday, December 16, 2024
Last Day of the Full Moon (full moon was yesterday)
Chiron, Uranus, Jupiter, Mars Retrograde
Mercury DIRECT as of yesterday

Thank goodness Mercury is direct. It managed to gum up the works as it left for me on a couple of different points. Our next Mercury retrograde starts in March of 2025 – fortunately, after my birthday!

We still have four retrogrades slowing us down, especially Mars. Take extra time and think more than twice when you feel argumentative.

How was last week? I definitely had to remind myself at several points of the warning, “don’t be a jerk.” I did, however, enjoy both the Ace of Candles and the Ace of Good Cheer.

This month, we are using the Yuletide Tarot, from Kristoffer Hughes with art by Erin O’Leary Brown. You can get it from Llewellyn Worldwide here. (Note: even though I’ve written for Llewellyn almanacs for decades, I do not get free decks from them, nor do I get a cut of anything you buy using this link. I bought the deck myself). This is the first year I’m using this deck. It was recommended to me by my friend, tarot reader and author Jamieson Wolf. I spent the last month getting to know the deck, in preparation for this month’s work with it.

In this deck:
Canes = Swords
Candles = Wands
Good Cheer = Cups
Gifts = Pentacles

If you’re new to the weekly readings, this is a spread of mine, that I’ve developed over months. It’s read from left to right, 5 cards. Any card that needs more interpretation can be built into further, above and below, with either more tarot cards, another tarot deck, or an oracle deck.

These interpretations are mine, based on my experience, intuition and responses to the artwork. You may have a different experience. This is an overview of the week as it stands now; every decision we make from the moment of the reading can change the outcome. If there’s something in the reading that worries you, you have the information ahead of time so that you can plan, make better choices, or handle it differently than predicted for a better outcome. Tarot sets out possibilities, which you change through your choices and actions.

Left to right, the positions are as follows:
1. The Collective Energy of the Week
2. The Week’s Challenge
3. The Week’s Opportunity
4. The Week’s Stretch
5. The Week’s Comfort

The Collective Energy of the Week – 9 of Gifts
This is the 9 of Pentacles in other decks. She’s sitting happily in a chair, enjoying her decorated tree and the fire. It’s a card of material security and a sense of comfort. This may be difficult to remember, as we hurtle toward trying to get everything done before the holidays, but take some time to bask in all you’ve gotten done; it matters. Every day this week, take a few minutes to enjoy and reflect on contentment.

The Week’s Challenge – The List
This is Judgement in other decks, which is about awakening. This card shows a book with names marked “naughty” and “nice.” At first, the card put me off a bit, because the whole idea of some unknown force deciding my fate isn’t something aligned with me. But Hughes suggests going deeper into your own awareness and the impact your decisions have on others. That makes more sense to me. Also, as we careen ever closer to the holidays this week, we see often impossible standards to meet this holiday thrust at us from multiple directions. Discernment is needed. While I love to see photos on Instagram about the way people decorate (and often get ideas), I don’t feel the need to be as styled as many accounts. (Anyone who’s seen the photos of the somewhat eclectic decorations I share will laugh and know this is true). I decorate in ways that give me joy. I write cards to people because I want them to know they matter. I bake for others as a way to show gratitude that they are part of my life. And there’s plenty that’s never shared on social media; I don’t care what others think of it; I do it because it is a joyful part of the season. So this week, we may be challenged to hold to our own joy of the season, and not perform in ways that live up to what others tell us we should want. Some people just want peace and quiet, and that’s fine! Others want to run down the street singing – that’s fine, too. Let’s all give each other room and kindness to find our own joy.

The Week’s Opportunity – 10 of Good Cheer
This is the 10 of Cups in other decks. This card was in our spread for the week of December 2, as a challenge. This week, it’s moved into the “opportunity” slot, which seems like good advice. As we take time to enjoy and revel in pleasure, and are challenged to meet other’s expectations, we have the opportunity to be cheerful, loving, and kind. Let’s do so, whenever the opportunity presents itself, and spread some of that seasonal cheer!

The Week’s Stretch – 6 of Canes
This is 6 of Swords in other decks. The figures pictured in this card are leaving. Is it a happy leave taking, after a good visit? Or are they leaving because the environment is no longer healthy for them? In either case, it has to happen. What do you need to leave this week? Is a job ending? Should a job end? Are you leaving a physical location, or (since this suit is about thoughts and intellect) are you leaving an unhealthy perspective? The stretch is to actually make the choice, get moving, and make this change. Even if it’s difficult, it will open the way for better in the long term.

The Week’s Comfort – Death
Okay, this can be a little disconcerting. But, of course, in tarot the Death card rarely means physical death. It does, however, mean change, and is likely tied most closely to both Judgement/The List and the 6 of Canes/Swords, reassuring us that the leave-taking in the 6 is necessary and transformative, and that our actions have impact (The List/Judgement), so let’s be kind (10 of Good Cheer/Cups) and also remember the overreaching energy of the week, contentment (9 of Gifts/Pentacles). This transformation is an opportunity to start fresh, and build something more positive and in alignment with who you are and what you want. The figure itself is Dickens’ character The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. Change is inevitable. Some of it is out of our control; some we can shape by our responses, decisions, and actions. What do you need to let go of, so that you are no longer stuck? As disturbing as seeing this card often is, especially at this time of year, there’s also a sense of relief that things are in motion, and that’s why it showed up as a comfort.

What do you get from these cards this week? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

December 9, 2024: Community Tarot Reading for the Week

Monday, December 9, 2024
Waxing Moon
Chiron, Uranus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars Retrograde
Neptune Direct as of December 7

How did last week work out for you? Were you able to balance excitement at new opportunities with keeping on top of the details? Sometimes it was a challenge for me, but I tried. I kept my focus on the Ace of Good Cheer – which turns up again this week.

We are still in Mercury Retrograde. This concerned me, because I had to sign a contract last week, instead of waiting until it turns direct, and this is not a good time to sign contracts (or buy electronics or travel or buy a house). We have one more week of this retrograde to navigate – it turns direct on the 15th.

When someone talks about the “shadow” of Mercury retrograde, I put my hands over my ears and sing, “La, la, la” because if I had to worry about the shadow, it would six months of every year derailed, and who has time for that? When it bites me in the butt, I deal. But I can’t put off things for the shadow period.

Mars has gone retrograde, so forward momentum slows down even more. Irritability and argumentative aspects get higher. Paired with the miscommunication energy of Mercury retrograde, that can make things difficult. So take a few breaths, and quiet those reactive impulses.

Mars will be retrograde until late February, but once Mercury goes direct, that argumentative pressure and miscommunication somewhat ease up.

Okay, forward!

This month, we are using the Yuletide Tarot, from Kristoffer Hughes with art by Erin O’Leary Brown. You can get it from Llewellyn Worldwide here. (Note: even though I’ve written for Llewellyn almanacs for decades, I do not get free decks from them, nor do I get a cut of anything you buy using this link. I bought the deck myself). This is the first year I’m using this deck. It was recommended to me by my friend, tarot reader and author Jamieson Wolf. I spent the last month getting to know the deck, in preparation for this month’s work with it.

In this deck:
Canes = Swords
Candles = Wands
Good Cheer = Cups
Gifts = Pentacles

If you’re new to the weekly readings, this is a spread of mine, that I’ve developed over months. It’s read from left to right, 5 cards. Any card that needs more interpretation can be built into further, above and below, with either more tarot cards, another tarot deck, or an oracle deck.

These interpretations are mine, based on my experience, intuition and responses to the artwork. You may have a different experience. This is an overview of the week as it stands now; every decision we make from the moment of the reading can change the outcome. If there’s something in the reading that worries you, you have the information ahead of time so that you can plan, make better choices, or handle it differently than predicted for a better outcome. Tarot sets out possibilities, which you change through your choices and actions.

Left to right, the positions are as follows:
1. The Collective Energy of the Week
2. The Week’s Challenge
3. The Week’s Opportunity
4. The Week’s Stretch
5. The Week’s Comfort

The Collective Energy of the Week – King of Candles
This is the King of Wands in other decks. This is a forceful, creative, passionate energy. It’s very much a “get out of my way” energy. There’s an element of charm involved, but the King will roll right over top of any obstacles. Think about what you want this week. All these retrogrades will slow you down, but that doesn’t mean you can’t set your sights and start implementing a long-term plan. Since it is in the collective energy of the week, also give those around you room for their passions; don’t try to dominate those around you, or let them dominate you.

The Week’s Challenge – Ace of Good Cheer
This would be the Ace of Cups in other decks, and was our comfort last week. Last week’s comfort becomes this week’s challenge. How can that be? With the Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter retrogrades thwarting us, the Uranus retrograde making it harder to be our unique selves, and the Chiron retrograde reminding us to work on wounds and healing, it might be difficult to remain in a good mood this week, or have patience. Remember, everyone is extra stressed around the holiday season, and many people struggle for a vast variety of reasons. Even when challenged to be kind and in a good mood, when you are out and about, at least make the effort. Don’t be a jerk – even on days when it’s hard.

The Week’s Opportunity – Ace of Candles
This is the Ace of Wands in other decks. The Ace of Candles ignites new opportunities that are tied to passion, identity and sense of self. A new possibility ignites. However, if you wait until you “have time” to deal with it, it will pass you by. If this is something you want, MAKE the time to put in the work.
(Note: last week, in an in-person group situation, we explored the Ace of Wands, and my companion was the Ace of Cups. It’s interesting that they are coming up here in this reading, in a slightly different configuration, as though to remind me what we discussed last week, and remind me to follow through).

The Week’s Stretch – 8 of Good Cheer
This is the 8 of Cups in other decks. At first, this card puzzled me – in many decks, it shows a figure walking away. Here’s a guy with so many drink options in front of him! Is he going to sample each? The first impression was more of a 7 than an 8. But then I really started looking at the card. He’s zipping up his jacket, in preparation to leave. The way the fabric is detailed in the art make it more likely he’s zipping it up to leave than zipping it down to stay and enjoy. He’s had enough and knows it’s time to go. This week, even when it’s a challenge, know when it’s time to go. Maybe it’s that work event to which you “had” to show up. Hey, you put in an appearance; now go do something YOU want to do. Maybe it’s a job that’s no longer fulfilling, and it’s time to replace it with something better. Maybe it’s a creative project that you’ve tried to make work, and it just isn’t. If so, give it a temporary ending so it’s not draining your creative energy by simply being unfinished, and let both of you rest. There’s a lot coming at us this week; we have to know where to put our energy, and where to pull back. And when to walk away and rest.

The Week’s Comfort – 2 of Candles
This is the 2 of Wands in other decks. This is about making a plan to bring the Ace (which came up earlier in this very reading, as an opportunity) into reality though vision. It’s time to make a plan. The King of Candles, at the very top of the reading, indicates that you can see this to completion, but work with the retrograde energy to put in each step. Don’t try to skip over anything along the way. Seeing this card, of a woman writing her cards, makes me laugh. My overseas cards are out, but this week, I have to sit down and write the domestic ones!

Take a look at the overall spread. No major arcana cards this week. It’s all about the minor arcana, which, to me, are the daily details about getting things done. There are 3 Candles/Wands in the spread, so it’s about passion, creativity, identity, purpose, and how to get things down. The week’s challenge and stretch are both Good Cheer/Cups, which are about emotions, creativity, and dreams.

So this week is about paying attention to the details, planning, and being careful. It’s about working with the retrograde energies of taking a breath and paying attention. It’s about not letting the more combative energies derail you. Keep a sense of humor, try to stay grounded, don’t be a jerk, make a plan and start those first steps to see it through. You can face it all with the quiet determination of the King of Candles, and not let anyone derail you, but you can also use charm instead of aggression.

What do you get from this spread? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

Dec. 2, 2024: Community Tarot Reading for the Week

Monday, December 2, 2024
Waxing Moon
Neptune, Chiron, Uranus, Jupiter, Mercury Retrograde

How did last week work for you? It was definitely a challenging week for me, on multiple levels, but I tried to navigate it with as much gentleness as possible. There were also plenty of lovely moments in it, and I am so grateful for those.

We are in December now. Later this week, on the 7th, Neptune goes direct. Being a Pisces, the Neptune retrograde make it more difficult for me to express my creativity, my dreams are all over the place, and brain fog often descends. I will be glad to clear those out of the way when Neptune goes direct (it’s been retrograde since early July). Mars goes retrograde on December 6, and will be retrograde until late February. Mars retrograde is always a challenge for me. I have to remember not to be reactive and assume the negative, and to pick my battles. A Mars retrograde around the holiday season can make things sticky and uncomfortable, especially since the Mars retrograde overlaps with the Mercury retrograde until December 15. We should always think before we speak, but during this difficult time, it may be better, in many cases, not to speak at all.

New month, new deck! This month, we are using the Yuletide Tarot, from Kristoffer Hughes with art by Erin O’Leary Brown. You can get it from Llewellyn Worldwide here. (Note: even though I’ve written for Llewellyn almanacs for decades, I do not get free decks from them, nor do I get a cut of anything you buy using this link. I bought the deck myself). This is the first year I’m using this deck. It was recommended to me by my friend, tarot reader and author Jamieson Wolf. I spent the last month getting to know the deck, in preparation for this month’s work with it.

In this deck:
Canes = Swords
Candles = Wands
Good Cheer = Cups
Gifts = Pentacles

If you’re new to the weekly readings, this is a spread of mine, that I’ve developed over months. It’s read from left to right, 5 cards. Any card that needs more interpretation can be built into further, above and below, with either more tarot cards, another tarot deck, or an oracle deck.

These interpretations are mine, based on my experience, intuition and responses to the artwork. You may have a different experience. This is an overview of the week as it stands now; every decision we make from the moment of the reading can change the outcome. If there’s something in the reading that worries you, you have the information ahead of time so that you can plan, make better choices, or handle it differently than predicted for a better outcome. Tarot sets out possibilities, which you change through your choices and actions.

Left to right, the positions are as follows:
1. The Collective Energy of the Week
2. The Week’s Challenge
3. The Week’s Opportunity
4. The Week’s Stretch
5. The Week’s Comfort

The Collective Energy of the Week – Page of Canes
This card is the equivalent of the Page of Swords in other decks. This week’s new moon energy is about being curious and building something tangible through thought. Our page is building a snowman. But look – she’s barefoot in the snow, wearing a summer dress. So she’s not necessarily making the most responsible choices. While the energy of the week may be to jump into something new, take a minute to prepare a little bit, like putting on appropriate coat and shoes.

The Week’s Challenge – Ten of Good Cheer
This card is the equivalent to the 10 of Cups in other decks. How can love under the mistletoe be a challenge? The card is about bliss and long-term domestic harmony. Well, when tied to the Page of Canes, it can advise that you make sure any emotional or creative situation you want to jump into is reciprocal. You may be seeing it as a 10, and looking for long-term stability, but without the reciprocity, it can’t fulfill. Again, dig a little deeper; don’t be satisfied with how things appear on the surface.

The Week’s Opportunity – The Ace of Canes
This card is the equivalent to the Ace of Swords in other decks. This week gives us a chance to look at things in fresh ways, and come at our lives with new perspective. We have an opportunity for clear thought, with the warning, again, to dig deeper. Don’t jump in as the page without your shoes, and make sure you know what’s going on beneath the surface.


The Week’s Stretch – Eight of Gifts
This card is the equivalent to the 8 of Pentacles in other decks. There’s work to be done, and it requires skill and that you actually show up and do the work. Look how lovely these wrapped packages are! And yes, they must be wrapped, and then either sent or delivered. Don’t drop the ball this week. Don’t get so excited by new ideas and possibilities and emotional promises that you neglect the chop wood/carry water elements of your life. Take care of your responsibilities, and then you can enjoy some relaxation.

The Week’s Comfort – Ace of Good Cheer
This card is the equivalent of the Ace of Cups in other decks. Look at that lovely wassail in the bowl! Warm and inviting. This is a card of new possibilities, emotions, creativity, and relationships. Even though the challenge of the week is the 10 – what we hope to attain, and indicates achievement and the end of a cycle, our comfort is knowing that that fulfillment is opening doors to new loving and creative opportunities.

The week offers new, exciting, and creative possibilities with long term rewards. We need to be cautious about jumping in too quickly and unprepared. If we show up and do the work, if we use our skills and pay attention to the details, the new moon energy will set us on a long-term path. We need to remember, with all the retrogrades, that it’s not about instant gratification. We are stepping on the beginning of a long path that offers creative joy and fulfillment, if we don’t rush it.

What do you get from these cards? I’d love to hear from you in the comments!

Nov 25, 2024: Community Tarot Reading for the Week

Monday, November 25, 2024
Waning Moon
Neptune, Chiron, Uranus, Jupiter, Mercury Retrograde

How did last week’s reading play out for you? I navigated some hierarchical situations with assistance last week (Hierophant, Emperor, 6 Pentacles). I also gave help where I could (6 Pentacles) and tried to be both cautious and playful with resources (4 of Pentacles). I felt I navigated the week with gentle Strength and felt like a cycle was successfully coming to a close preparing me for something new (Sun). Which is a little scary, because the unknown is scary, but change will come, whether I’m scared or not.

I rarely read for others during Mercury Retrograde, and these collective readings will be all I do outside of my own card pulls. Mercury Retrograde is a time for magical rest for me, because of the retrograde’s obstacles to communication.

November’s deck is still the Crow Tarot, created by MJ Cullinane. You can get it from US Games Systems here. I’m lucky enough to have a murder of crows hanging out near my home, and interacting with them regularly. This deck is always terrific to work with.

This is a spread of mine, that I’ve developed over months. It’s read from left to right, 5 cards. Any card that needs more interpretation can be built into further, above and below, with either more tarot cards, another tarot deck, or an oracle deck.

These interpretations are mine, based on my experience, intuition and responses to the artwork. You may have a different experience. This is an overview of the week as it stands now; every decision we make from the moment of the reading can change the outcome. If there’s something in the reading that worries you, you have the information ahead of time so that you can plan, make better choices, or handle it differently than predicted for a better outcome. Tarot sets out possibilities, which you change through your choices and actions.

Left to right, the positions are as follows:
1. The Collective Energy of the Week
2. The Week’s Challenge
3. The Week’s Opportunity
4. The Week’s Stretch
5. The Week’s Comfort

An additional card jumped out of the deck, which we will deal with at the end of the reading.

Collective Energy of the Week — Justice
It’s time to look at a situation with intellectual detachment and clarity. The answer might not be what you want on an emotional level, but it will be the balanced and just one.




The Week’s Challenge – The Moon
Are you not listening to your intuition? Or are you looking for a different answer because your intuition and what you learn through the intellectual view of the Justice card don’t give the answer for which you hoped? The challenge this week is to discern reality from illusion.



The Week’s Opportunity – 6 Pentacles
Last week, this card came up in the “Challenge” position. This week, it comes up as an “opportunity.” What, in your life, has shifted in the past week, that shifts the giving and tangible reciprocity?




The Week’s Stretch – 7 of Wands
This is about successful defense. You’ve defended something important to you, or to your identity, from threat. You still need to be ready in case of additional conflict, but you are in this place because you’ve earned it. You’re tired, but don’t give up. Stand firm, like the crow in the picture, and deflect the other crows who want your position.


The Week’s Comfort – 2 Pentacles
This card is often about the balance between the tangible and intangible. It suggests that you can maintain that necessary balance needed for the 7 of Wands Stretch between Justice and the Moon by using the 6 of Pentacles. Integrating all these elements will keep you in balance, which will be your comfort. Manage your responsibilities. Look at the infinity symbol within which the two pentacles reside, and keep that energy flowing between the tangible and the intangible. Pay attention to the details, and keep on top of management tasks.

Additional Energy Card – Knight of Wands
This card lends an overreaching energy to the week, working with the Justice card. It shows the infinity symbol of the 2 Pentacles, a crow, a wand with a rose, a salamander (change), sun (success), and the lion (strength). It’s about focused energy and creative potential. As you experience the energy of each of these cards over the week, pull in the creative, focused energy of the King of Wands to help you navigate and balance them.

I keep typing “wants” instead of “wands” in this document. Since wands are about passion and identity, “wants” make sense in connection to that passion and identity, and Mercury Retrograde is having fun flashing the slip. Look back at the two wands cards in the spread in terms of “wants” as is relevant to your sense of self and your passions.

And again, it’s Mercury Retrograde, so slow down, take a breath, and take a minute before making decisions.

What do you get from these cards? I’d love to hear from you in the comments!

November 18, 2024: Community Tarot Reading for the Week



Monday, November 18, 2024
Waning Moon
Neptune, Chiron, Uranus, Jupiter Retrograde
Saturn DIRECT (as of November 15)
Preparing for Mercury Retrograde (Nov. 25-Dec. 15)
Pluto moves into Aquarius today, until 2044

Saturn is direct, and those life lesson pressures are a bit eased until the next Saturn retrograde which begins mid-July of next year. Between now and then, it’s important to remember the lessons we were taught (and we were taught some harsh ones) and integrate them into our lives so that we don’t get slapped with the same lesson(s) again.

Pluto has moved out of Capricorn and into Aquarius, where it will roll around until 2044. Look at the transformations in your life, both the difficult and the joyful, since 2008. I’ve gone through some massive life changes, and had my heart shattered a couple of times. I’ve also had some wonderful times. Integrating the lessons from both and using them for this next set of transformations is vital. It looks like the social contract has been destroyed. It is up to each of us as individuals and within our communities to rebuild it into something stronger, more humanitarian, and more sustainable. We have personal responsibility, and we have relational responsibility. Think of the Chariot card in the tarot (a card that has come up so often in my personal readings this past week, I have to keep telling Spirit, “Yes, I really am listening.”) We are riding the chariot, and one of the creatures pulling it is personal responsibility while the other is relational/community responsibility. Keeping those in balance and working together is the only we can move forward, especially when we have so many forces trying to sabotage us. We have a difficult road ahead of us.

Mercury goes retrograde next Monday, until December 15. Just in time to make Thanksgiving travel more difficult and cause stress going into the Winter holidays. Make sure you back up your computers and other tech this week. Then batten down for the next three weeks.

November’s deck is still the Crow Tarot, created by MJ Cullinane. You can get it from US Games Systems here. I’m lucky enough to have a murder of crows hanging out near my home, and interacting with them regularly. This deck is always terrific to work with.

This is a spread of mine, that I’ve developed over the past few months. It’s read from left to right, 5 cards. Any card that needs more interpretation can be built into further, above and below, with either more tarot cards, another tarot deck, or an oracle deck.

These interpretations are mine, based on my experience, intuition and responses to the artwork. You may have a different experience. This is an overview of the week as it stands now; every decision we make from the moment of the reading can change the outcome. If there’s something in the reading that worries you, you have the information ahead of time so that you can plan, make better choices, or handle it differently than predicted for a better outcome. Tarot sets out possibilities, which you change through your choices and actions.

Left to right, the positions are as follows:

  1. The Collective Energy of the Week
  2. The Week’s Challenge
  3. The Week’s Opportunity
  4. The Week’s Stretch
  5. The Week’s Comfort

Two additional cards jumped out of the deck as I shuffled for this spread, and I use them as energies that arch over everything else for the week.

Let’s take a look at the cards:

The Collective Energy of the Week – The Hierophant
This is about tradition and structure. It’s about genuine knowledge and not taking chances.  There’s a key amongst the crows. This week, take a look at the structures around you. What serves you? What doesn’t? This week is not the time to make a move, but it is the time to take stock and learn. Are there those around you who have knowledge that would help right now? Tap into that knowledge. Listen. It’s not about taking action; it’s about collecting information the way a crow collects shiny objects.

The Week’s Challenge – 6 Pentacles
This card is about offering help and/or receiving help. Cullinane specifically mentions in this guidebook that there are strings attached. There are other decks that do not have that interpretive stipulation. Since we are using this deck, it means we should pay attention to this creator’s interpretation and build on it. We are drawn to different decks for different reasons, and this month, it is this one. In preparation for American Thanksgiving next week, is someone putting parameters around generosity? Are you? With the election results, that could very well be happening. Make decisions as to where your boundaries are, and where your core integrity is at stake. Where will you compromise? Where will you set limits? Where will the attached strings be too much, and you make other decisions? Everyone will both have to make individual decisions AND live with the consequences. Some of those consequences may well be tied to the election. Tying back to the Hierophant card, which is the collective energy for this week, but may not be next week, where will you remain in patterns and traditions that you’ve outgrown? Where will you sit tight and not argue this week, but make different decisions next week? Where are you trapped into compromising because of need? Pentacles are about physical, tangible things, not emotions or ideas or identities, so keep that in mind. All of those elements bring this challenge forward this week.

The Week’s Opportunity – The Wheel of Fortune
This is the only card I read reversed (or, in a round deck, any way that it falls out). It showed up in the upright position, which means the wheel of fortune is turning in a favorable direction for the moment. It’s cyclical, always moving, which means sometimes we’re on the upswing and sometimes on the downswing. This suggests upswing for the week. It also means paying attention. Instead of getting mired in tradition and conflict, look for unusual opportunities that spring up when you least expect it. Look for “glimmers” especially those that might lead toward something more substantial in the long run.

The Week’s Stretch – The Emperor
I am often uncomfortable when the Hierophant and the Emperor turn up in the same spread, especially when it comes to what we’re facing. The Emperor is a taskmaster for order and rules, for security and stability. With authoritarianism on the horizon, it’s difficult not to get caught up in revulsion for this. The crow balances on a sword placed over a ram’s head. A ram’s head is about leadership and the crow is BALANCED. The crow is also calm. The stretch for the week could well be finding the nuances in the current structure and order that will serve as ballast and a restraining wall against the incoming chaos. Tying it back to the Hierophant, are there traditions (laws, structures, contracts) that can’t immediately be destroyed and can serve as protection while we regroup? From whom can we learn? How can we use the tools available while they still exist to fight as we create new tools? That is our stretch this week.

The Week’s Comfort – 4 Pentacles
How can the 4 of Pentacles be a comfort? Isn’t this the card of hoarding? Yes. It’s a reminder that if you hold too tightly to the material, you forget the joy in everything else. In this particular slot, the “comfort” slot, it also suggests that managing your resources rather than hoarding them will allow you to feel stable enough to enjoy beautiful moments. Instead of being scared about not having enough, turn it into a game of how you creative you can be with what you have. The best advice I got in the past few months from a financial consultant was to stop looking at finances as a ladder and start looking at it as a dance. Make it fun! Sometimes you trip, but you keep moving, and flow in different directions with the music. Sometimes you have to learn new steps. Pulling in the energy of the extra cards, the comfort this week will be finding moments of joy. My challenge to you is to find 4 moments of tangible joy every day this week, and I’d love to hear about them in the comments, either below this post, or in next week’s post.

Additional Energy Cards – The World and The Sun
These are Major Arcana cards, and both pretty wonderful. The World denotes an ending of a cycle. We have that, with the ending of the current political administration in the US and the knowledge that a more difficult (to say the least) cycle is about to begin. But look at the two infinity symbols on the card, above and below the crow, and how the laurel wreath is woven with the infinity. It doesn’t just mean an ending – it means wholeness. It means we have the tools deep within the face the next tumultuous cycle. The Sun card builds on that. The Sun is about happiness and success. Every day this week where there is sunshine, take a few minutes to bask in it and absorb the energy. Store it in your very cells to fuel you, both as the nights keep getting longer, and as new challenges emerge.







After last week’s very challenging reading that was almost all swords, this is a very positive reading. It would be very easy to dismiss it in terms of false hope. But why does it need to be false? Why can’t this week be filled with the World and the Sun and the Wheel of Fortune, and the positive qualities of the Hierophant and the Emperor? Remember, tarot is about possibilities, and we turn them into actualities through ACTION. What action will you take this week to manifest the strong, positive aspects of these cards?

Last week, I clung to the Page of Swords flying through the storm. I definitely felt the 3, 9, and 10 of Swords. I also felt the beauty of the 3 of Pentacles. So let’s DECIDE to make the powerful, positive aspects of these Major Arcana cards into our realities.

What do you get from these cards? I’d love to hear from you in the comments

And back up all your tech before Mercury goes retrograde!  😉