
Welcome to the site!

“Home” is a lovely word, isn’t it? What does “home” mean to you?

There’s so much magic in every day life. Take a moment to enjoy and experience it! As someone who prizes the practical component of magic as much as the ethereal, I have ideas and tips that you can apply in your daily life to make each day just a bit more magical.

And if we each care-take our own corner of the earth, eventually there will be a ripple effect, and our care-taking will overlap, making the planet a better place. That, at any rate, is my wish and my dream.

Thank you for visiting. We hope you come back often. Take your time, browse around. Check out the “News” section – that will let you know about new work coming out AND it now incorporates the blog posts.

The blog is being reworked as a combination of news and new blog posts on the News page.  The old blog on working with tarot and oracles at Kemmyrk.

In the coming months, the site will expand with ritual ideas, home and hearth magic, and more!

Please come back and visit often! And blessings to you and yours!

Cerridwen Iris Shea